Invisalign aligners consist of smooth plastic, which won’t irritate inside your mouth. They are also very flexible and have no sharp edges, unlike traditional braces. They are almost invisible, so no one will even notice that you’re wearing them.
Invisalign cambridge uses custom made trays to move your teeth gradually over time. These trays are removable and can be used to treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues, including severe crowding and bite problems.
No Food Restrictions
You may feel that you must give up your favorite foods when you wear traditional braces. Coffee, tea, red wine, curry, foods with heavy dyes and more all can stain your teeth or the clear brackets that make up your braces. Invisalign aligners can be removed easily before eating and are transparent. You can eat without worrying about whether it will affect the treatment or appearance of your teeth.
You should remove your aligners when you eat, and brush them thoroughly before reinstalling them. This will prevent food particles staining the aligners or damaging them. It’s also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and promote good oral health.
During your Invisalign treatment, it’s okay to enjoy a variety of foods including protein-rich foods like lean meats and fish, eggs, tofu, beans and well-cooked vegetables. Avoid crunchy, hard, chewy or sticky foods, as they may damage your aligners and cause discomfort. Also be mindful of foods that could potentially crack your aligners like popcorn, nuts, hard or raw veggies and even a crusty piece of pizza. A cracked aligner may delay your treatment, and you may need to invest in new aligners.
It is normal to feel some discomfort when you start wearing your new aligners. However, this will not last long. The pain will usually go away after a few days, especially after each tray change. You can ease the pain with over-the counter medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil).
Invisalign is more comfortable if you stick to a routine. This will help the aligners to become a normal part of your daily life. Once you get used to them, they will be so comfortable that they will slip out of your mind, and you will be able to enjoy the straighter smile you have always wanted!
Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Straighter teeth are easier for you to clean, so it can help correct your crooked smile and prevent gum disease and tooth decay. This means you will have less food stuck in your teeth and less chance of gum disease, which can cause tooth loss. If you are having trouble brushing your crooked teeth, ask us for recommendations to help.
Easier To Clean
You will still have to clean your Invisalign tray regularly, even though they are removable. This is important because it helps remove any bacteria which can cause bad breath and discoloration of the tray. Cleaning your aligners will also help to keep them looking good and prevent any stains.
There are a number of different products that you can use to clean the invisalign tray. Some products are expensive, while others are inexpensive and easily found in your local supermarket. The best option is to use warm water and a colorless, antibacterial soap that has no odour. Avoid cleaners that have added colors as they may stain the trays. It is important to rinse the trays each time after cleaning them. This will help to prevent stains.
Some people have found that soaking their aligners with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water is an effective way to remove stains. This is an easy and quick way to clean aligners. You can do it once or twice daily. Others prefer to soak their aligners in retainer brite or a 50/50 mixture of water and baking soda, before brushing gently with a soft toothbrush and rinsing thoroughly. A third option is to purchase an effervescent dental cleaner tablet that can be used with lukewarm water and which will dissolve the stains quickly and easily.
Better Oral Health
Most people focus on Invisalign’s ability to straighten their smile when they consider it. While this is a significant benefit, Invisalign can also help improve overall oral health.
According to studies, crooked and uneven teeth can cause premature wear of your teeth. This could lead to problems such as gum disease or tooth decay. Invisalign corrects these issues so that your teeth are protected and last longer.
These pockets can harbor bacteria that causes infection. These pockets may progress to periodontal diseases, which cause the bones and ligaments to break down. Invisalign can eliminate these pockets and help keep your gums healthy by reducing the risk of infection.
Invisalign also helps reduce bruxism (also known as teeth grinding). This condition can lead to cracked or chipped teeth, jaw pain and headaches. Invisalign will help you correct this problem by aligning your upper and lower tooth.